Magnesium Bisglycinate Granules DC Grade for Magnesium Tableting
Magnesium bisglycinate granules is a DC grade product used for tableting use made of magensium bisglycinate.
Magnesium Malate Trihydrate
Magnesium Malate Trihydrate occurs as white crystalline powder. Magnesium Malate can be used as a dietary supplement and as a nutrient. Magnesium plays a vital role in regulating the neuromuscular activity of the heart, converts blood sugar to energy and is necessary for proper calcium and Vitamin C metabolism.
Magnesium Bisglycinate Food Grade Better Magnesium Bioavailbility
Magnesium Bisglycinate occurs as white powder and used as a magnesium nutrient in the foods and supplements.
Magnesium Lactate Dihydrate Food Grade to Enhance Nutrient Magnesium Supplement
Magnesium Lactate Dihydrate occurs as a white crystalline powder, it’s slightly soluble in water and very soluble in hot water and practically insoluble in alcohol.
Magnesium Gluconate Food Grade Gluconates
Magnesium Gluconate occurs as white, crystalline granules or powder. It is anhydrous or contains two molecule of water. It is stable in air and solbule in water. It is insoluble in alcohol and in many other organic solvents. Its solutions are neutral to litmus.
Magnesium Oxide Granules Food Grade For Magnesium Tableting
Magnesium Oxide Granules occurs as white , Odorless and free flowing granules. It will absorb carbon dioxide slowly in the air and it is practically insoluble in water and in alcohol.
Magnesium Sulfate Dried High Pure Food Use for Infant Formula
Magnesium Sulfate Dried occurs as white crystalline free flowing powder. It is produced by spray drying. It is readily soluble in water, slowly soluble in glycerine, and sparingly soluble in alcohol.
Magnesium Citrate Anhydrous High Soluble Magnesium Salts for Powder and Liquid Use
Magnesium Citrate appear as white powder, used as nutrition supplements, easy to be absorbed by human body. In medical field, it can be as hysiological saline laxative, to prevent kidney stones.It’s soluble in water.
Magnesium Phosphate Dibasic Trihydrate Food Grade by Spray Drying Process
Magnesium Phosphate Dibasic Trihydrate occurs as a white crystalline powder. It contains three molecules of water of hydration. It is slightly soluble in water and insoluble in alcohol, but is soluble in dilute acids.
Magnesium Oxide Powder Food Grade for Magnesium Supplementatioin
Magnesium Oxide occurs as a white to off-white powder, it is known as Heavy Magnesium Oxide. It is soluble in dilute acids, practically insoluble in water, and insoluble in alcohol. It is easy to absorb the moisture and carbon dioxide in the air. It’s also classified as magnesium oxide heavy and light grade upon its bulk density accordingly.
Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate Food Grade Specially for Liquid Applications
It’s a widely used inorganic mineral.
Magnesium Carbonate
The product is an odorless, tasteless white powder. It is easy to absorb moisture and carbon dioxide in the air. The product is soluble in acids and slightly soluble in water. The water suspension is alkaline.